Rainbow Flair

Beautiful abstract art with all the colors of the rainbow

Before we get into this fashion, can I just say Skittles was on to something when they said “taste the rainbow!” I absolutely love rainbow colors! I’m a whole unicorn fairy. Bright colors liven up my day. I see the rainbow theme alot everywhere now. Could it be because pride month is approaching?

Pride: 🌈Tuesday June 1-Wed June 30th🌈

Anyway, I saw these rainbow tights and I just couldn’t resist!


Had these “I Sell Fun” tees made for the team by my Sistren to wear on Paycations. When people inquire I send them 👉🏾here! 👈🏾. I definitely had fun with this outfit on yesterday. I got several compliments on the look and especially the tights. Heads were turning left and right a few people asked where I got them, and I just feel good when I look good. It is important to Vibrate high, you never know how you can brighten someone’s day just by being joyful, happy and smiling.

Be sunshine on a cloudy day.

If you enjoyed this look give me some feedback below. If you like this content and want to offer suggestions, feel free to follow and contact us! Can’t wait to hear from you!

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