Stush Stylez·Black & White, No Gray Area.

“It’s the split in the back of the shirt fa me”

Such is life, or at least it should be, black and white no gray area. Clear, concise with splashes of color. Or should it be? Sometimes it’s cool to be abstract, non matchy, color block and be fun.

Fashion resembles life in so many ways. I’ve learned, there’s no right or wrong way to do this. It’s a mood and a Vybe thing. Like a coloring book, Sometimes you want to trace all nice and neat and color within the lines and other times you just don’t, you want to scribble, rebel, go crazy, go outside the lines, and they get what you give! Ya know?

There are so many false narratives with fashion like if it costs more it looks better, untrue. There are Gucci outfits well over $1,000 that don’t look good to me, and I could care less about who’s wearing a brand of it’s poorly constructed in the individual, flashy or thrown together. You can look expensive in inexpensive clothing and look a mess in luxury brands. And such is life! There are people who appear to have substances because they have Networth but they are as shallow as a pond and there are people who may look like they live in Poverty but have more substance than you could imagine and more depth than a ocean. We are often blindsided by external illusions and the upkeep of facades and appearances.

As a plus size, or Fluffy Baddie, I’ve always recieved compliments about how I “carried” myself. As my sister would always say:

“Just because they make it in your size, that doesn’t mean you should wear it.”

-Moni Luv

And that’s not to be disparaging, that’s something I had to comprehend with fashion. Just because it says your size that doesn’t mean it will drape you well. Different fabrics react differently. There’s some things I can pull off with cotton and spandex that I wouldn’t dare in leather or nylon! There are designs, stitches and cuts that are flattering to some shapes and non flattering to other shapes, but you must play with different things to know what works and what doesn’t.

The Uncomfort Zone

Where you usually find your freedom. I used to shy away from certain cut dresses, especially layers and florals or abstract prints. After stepping into the Uncomfort Zone those very items I shied away from are some of my favorite pieces. I thought abstract prints on plus sizes were cheesy and layers made me look bigger, that’s not always the case it really depends on the cut and the fabric. I have dresses now that are open back, floral, layered, mini, backstitched, double stitched, mixed print you name it. Even getting daring with heels. I like to be cute yet comfy. I think one of the worst things is to be at an event and you can’t even be present in thought because all your focus is being driven to the pain points in your feet from standing at an arched angle too long. Give me a cute kitten heel, 2 and 3/4 of an inch where if I need to run in an emergency, walk or stand for several hours, it feels like I have on sneakers, and I can stand with my knees locked and not buckled and walk with a level of high confidence and a purpose, not pain. Such is life! Yes get into your Uncomfort Zone to go places you need to go and sometimes it will hurt but it shouldn’t have to. Make some minor adjustments to get to some major keys.

Black & White, no gray area?

Black and White is not for everybody, some people will say “classic”, others will say, “boring”! It’s all interpretation and points of view. Black and white is just what it is! Simplicity. Black and White can go with anything, anywhere. Such is life! The clearer you are, the less room there is for error and b.s. Don’t be vague, Do set standards and boundaries. When things are in Black and White they are clear and concise, front and center, easy to read. Now whether it is easy to comprehend is up to the beholder and their level of understanding. But it really can be as simple or as difficult as you make it. Sometimes I hang out in the gray area, other times I despise it, we all learn in our time, what I’ve learned is no matter what I enjoy my freedoms and of all the colors of the rainbow the one I love the most is transparency, clear, see through, because there is no hiding. I love transparent bags, sandals, shades, glass tables, acrylic cases, anything with clarity! I’ve been that way all my life! And that speaks for something.

There’s freedom in honesty, there’s a freedom in speaking your mind, there’s a freedom in expression through fashion, there’s a freedom in not being tied down, and there’s a feeding in being immersed in love. In all you do, my hope is that you be safe, be sound, play with color and do go outside the lines sometimes! After all, you are the author of your coloring book, choose how you want to Color your life.

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