Stush Stylez: Denim Details

Stush Stylez: Pink, White, Black & Gold

Today’s look is giving Urban Vintage Versace·esque vibes. Matching Cardigan and high waist tights paired with white spaghetti strap tank and gold accessories. Diamond shaped earrings and layered key to my heart chain. I love this color combination The high was 70s and my Cardigan fit is light enough to not be excessively hot, butContinue reading “Stush Stylez: Pink, White, Black & Gold”

Rainbow Flair

Before we get into this fashion, can I just say Skittles was on to something when they said “taste the rainbow!” I absolutely love rainbow colors! I’m a whole unicorn fairy. Bright colors liven up my day. I see the rainbow theme alot everywhere now. Could it be because pride month is approaching? Anyway, IContinue reading “Rainbow Flair”

Stush Stylez: The Hood Hippie

Stush Stylez The Hood Hippie Before we get into today’s fashion, let’s delve into what a Hippie is. A Hippie is a person, especially of the late 1960s, who rejected established institutions and values and sought spontaneity, direct personal relations expressing love, and expanded consciousness, often expressed externally in the wearing of casual, folksy clothingContinue reading “Stush Stylez: The Hood Hippie”