Uncomfortable Conversations

Shxt People Don’t Wanna Talk About But Should So They Can Heal & Live An Abundant Lyfe. “I Believe Every Wound Can Be Healed, And Every Problem Can Be Solved, With First, An Uncomfortable Conversation” Empress Aura Goddess Supreme That is my belief. Problem is, most of us don’t like to be uncomfortable. Well HowContinue reading “Uncomfortable Conversations”

40 Days No Flesh Challenge

I’ve begun my 40 Days No Flesh Challenge and I already know it’s a major feat because I’m a fluffy girl who loves to eat, which is why I decided to make it public so I can be held accountable. My discipline is as strong as Donald Trump’s hairline, so it’s really going to beContinue reading “40 Days No Flesh Challenge”

Blame it on the ah-ah-ah-ah ah, retrograde

AHHH GOOD ‘OL MERCURY RETROGRADE first let’s talk about the planet Mercury, the smallest and closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System. The rotation of Mercury is a little strange to Earth bound creatures. It rotates on its axis very slowly compared to its orbital period. One rotation takes 56.85 Earth days, whileContinue reading “Blame it on the ah-ah-ah-ah ah, retrograde”

Rainbow Flair

Before we get into this fashion, can I just say Skittles was on to something when they said “taste the rainbow!” I absolutely love rainbow colors! I’m a whole unicorn fairy. Bright colors liven up my day. I see the rainbow theme alot everywhere now. Could it be because pride month is approaching? Anyway, IContinue reading “Rainbow Flair”

To Give A F**k?…Or Not Give A F**k?… That is the question?

The Recipe of NOT GIVING A F 1 Gallon of fruit infused alkaline water 2 tbsp. of clean eating and unicorn Sea moss 2 tsp. of a cheat day 1 oz of working out for 30 mins 3/4 tsp. of minding your business 220g (8 oz.) of getting to the bag 360ml (1 1/2 cups)Continue reading “To Give A F**k?…Or Not Give A F**k?… That is the question?”

What The Heck Is A Yoni?! And Why Should I Steam It?

What Does “Yoni” even mean? “YONI” is Sanskrit for Vagina. The word Yoni, to me, is more zenful and sounds more exotic. I think it’s more ambiguous too, using “Yoni” in public, verses the many other terminologies like Crotch, Pum Pum, Pu$$y, Kitty Cat, Pleasure Box and many other Vaginal aliases. There’s so much thatContinue reading “What The Heck Is A Yoni?! And Why Should I Steam It?”

Adoration For Mexico

1st ever int’l trip: Kingston, Jamaica ( as a child) 2nd trip: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 3rd trip: Merida, Yucatan, Mexico 4th trip: Playa Del Carmen, Mexico My very first ADULT international trip! I was super excited! Although I have great recall about my trip to my family’s birth island in Kingston, JA. I haven’t beenContinue reading “Adoration For Mexico”