To Jab? or Not To Jab?

Existing in a matrix under illusions of freedom, under satanic driven dictatorships while constitutional amendment rights and HIPPA laws are being violated by pharmaceutical vaccine pushers and their constituents. *TRIGGER WARNING* If you proceed , you are entering a realm of conspiracy theories, realities, spirituality and religion. Poli-tricks and heavy POV fueled by a passionContinue reading “To Jab? or Not To Jab?”

Protected: 40 Days No Flesh Challenge Day 3

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Q & A StushWay

T R A F F I C K IS MONEY Why are the ones closest to me not sharing my business? Because they are closest to you. As weird as that may sound, sometimes we don’t have instant success in what network marketers call ” warm market” most times the bulk of your traffick willContinue reading “Q & A StushWay”